
People are People – Why 2023 is no different than 1984

People are People – Why 2023 is no different than 1984

The 80's band, Depeche Mode. I heard them daily during my high school and college years. Not only on the radio in the car (yes, am/fm people!), but over the speakers in the quad at lunch. And oh, don't forget, even on the LP, or 45 single (Sorry, folks, I'm talking...

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A Kindness Challenge for a Challenging World

A Kindness Challenge for a Challenging World

I am blessed to share this blog that was included in Sherry St. Clair's Blog on the Reflective Learning Website. If you are unfamiliar with Jeff Kubiak's work, I hope you will explore it. Like me, Jeff believes in the power of truly taking the time to "see" people....

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My 2nd book, It’s Me is HERE!

My 2nd book, It’s Me is HERE!

For immediate release: Author's new book receives a warm literary welcome. Readers' Favorite announces the review of the Young Adult - Social Issues book "It's Me" by Jeff Kubiak, currently available at Readers' Favorite is...

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All Lanes Open

All Lanes Open

Damn! You missed the offramp. Ugh, another detour ahead? Road Hazard, use other lane. Construction zone, please go around. All Night Diner...closed for remodeling. If you are like me, you've seen these types of signs, or road blocks, and many more. At any given time...

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Let’s Make 2020 the year of kindness!

Let’s Make 2020 the year of kindness!

My latest Blog - now on the Edumatch Website: Let's Make 2020 the year of kindness! It’s another New Year. Which means for many; time for resolutions, reflections, #OneWord focuses, improvements, goals and new beginnings. For me, it is going to be simple: Bring...

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Intention – A Defining Word

Intention – A Defining Word

Most of us know, that intention can be quite an amazing thing, and many of us in education are often defined by the very way we are, intended or not. " To act in a certain way" or "To Plan" or "Have Purpose". When we have intentionality, or a determined way to act or...

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My First, First Day

My First, First Day

August 26th was my 20th "First" day as an educator, but it was also really my "First". You see, I've never begun a school year without my Pops being around. It's been over three weeks since he left us for the Angels, but I could tell something was amiss. Pops always...

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What if we just disrupted a bit…

What if we just disrupted a bit…

OK, so I might ruffle a few feathers, but when has that stopped me before, right? This is a rewrite of a post I wrote about a year and a half ago. Right now, here we are. In the moment. Doing. Moving. Breathing. Living our life. And then it happens. Something we don’t...

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We Made it! #KubiakKindnessCrew #OneDropOfKindness

We Made it! #KubiakKindnessCrew #OneDropOfKindness

1,712 miles driven. 18 Copies of One Drop of Kindness given away. 100's of ODK Stickers passed around. Thousands of doors opened and being held for others. Unknown amounts of trash picked up. Water, Happy Meals, and other snacks purchased for those without. Countless...

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Here We Go! #KubiakKindnessCrew in action

Here We Go! #KubiakKindnessCrew in action

Today we (TeamKube) embark on a National Park adventure. Growing up, my family took many a road trip and traveled cross-country quite a bit, but this is something that TeamKube has not done much of, and we finally agreed that we need to get our 10 and 14 year olds out...

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Putting ourselves out there…with writing

Putting ourselves out there…with writing

I recently had the amazing experience that my first book, One Drop of Kindness, was published. It was officially launched on Amazon on May 3, thanks to my amazing publisher, Sarah Thomas at EduMatch. While I am super stoked and excited about the reviews and positive...

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Educators Unite! Let’s share and celebrate everyone!

Educators Unite! Let’s share and celebrate everyone!

Why so often does it seem that educators are in competition with each other? Are we trying to push others out of bounds, so our information get noticed first? Is her book so much better than his? Can't they both be of value? Sure, some of the book topics are similar...

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Label our Clothing, not our Students

Label our Clothing, not our Students

This morning I came across a wonderful picture/post that I had read a few years back (Thanks FB Memories!). It really got me thinking, marinating, and then stewing. It happens too much. Everyday. We (I use that term holistically for children and adults) use labels....

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A 3 month check in with my #OneWord: YOU

A 3 month check in with my #OneWord: YOU

Each year that I choose a #OneWord to focus on, I like to reflect and check in on my commitment and progress toward my goal. I believe it is imperative for us to continually reflect, check, and then iterate as needed. This not only keeps me true to my word, but it...

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It’s Not Too Late

It’s Not Too Late

Not only is it crazy that March is upon us, it's an amazing opportunity for us take a selfie of where we are in our practice, our craft, our passion and WHY. If you are a teacher, this is the time of year to really bring it. I posted a video yesterday on YouTube about...

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How You Doing?

How You Doing?

Most of us remember Joey Tribbiani from the television show "Friends". Those that don't can just find the reruns on Netflix and will soon be able to relate to him with me. One of his most famous taglines was "How you doin?" in a very "I wanna pick you up" voice and...

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It happened…

It happened…

  OK. It happened today. The day started with a doldrumness feeling. I was tired. I was stressed. I was feeling lonely and unsure. My dad has Alzheimers and Parkinsons - what a combo...:( Mom called today..."Jeff, there's an open room at the memory care...

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#YOU – My #OneWord for 2019

#YOU – My #OneWord for 2019

One year ago I posted about #Faith, my #OneWord2018. One of my true inspirations, Jon Gordon wrote about Fear and Faith and how they are both interconnected, but can either drive you forward, or backward. They both deal with an unknown future. As I reflect on my...

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How Mary Poppins can inspire our education

How Mary Poppins can inspire our education

I recently saw “Mary Poppins Returns” with my family, and it got my mind all revved up!I was skeptical at first, being a very true and committed fan of Julie Andrews and DickVan Dyke, but it was so fantastic! Also, many of Mary’s quotes, sayings, andmannerisms moved...

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Student Voice and Choice in Writing?

Student Voice and Choice in Writing?

Last week, my wonderful wife Piper, told me she noticed how happy I am when I write. As I reflected on that and agreed, it also dawned on me that yes, I love to write. Not only that, but I get to CHOOSE what I write! Many times, as adults we get to choose what we do....

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I Can’t

I Can’t

I'm sure you hear this all day from students. Sometimes from parents, staff members and it even dribbles out of your mouth too! The words? Ike Ant, or I Can't. There is so much data on Growth Mindset, Fixed Mindset, Positivity and Failing Forward, but are we really...

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“Hey Teacher, I’m right here”

“Hey Teacher, I’m right here”

Hey Teacher, I'm right here. I'm new in your classroom, so please be patient while I learn your routines and procedures. Can you help me connect with some friends? I'm kind of shy too, so please ask me questions and get to know me first! Hey Teacher, I'm right here....

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Let’s put the “We” before “Me”

Let’s put the “We” before “Me”

So, the Stock Market is rocking, job growth is high, so why then are so many people Stressed; physically, emotionally, and financially right now? Well, about 2.5 years ago (3/11/16), one of my eduhero buddies Todd Schmidt and I began blogging about Something we called...

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Hurry Up and…Fall Behind?

Hurry Up and…Fall Behind?

The last time I checked, it was 2018. If I hear “21st Century Teaching” or something similar again, I’ll probably choke. We’ve been in the Y2K game for nearly 20 years and while Google, Tesla, Apple, Amazon, Uber, Apps, CyberSecurity are zooming at Exabyte speed;...

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Why I Tribe

Why I Tribe

Why I Tribe Tribe: Noun - a group of persons having a common character, occupation, or interest. While there are many definitions for the word Tribe, I prefer the one written above. To me, a Tribe is an imperative part of my DNA and world. Personally, Professionally,...

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You Win! – I mean it, you really do.

You Win! – I mean it, you really do.

You Win! I mean it, you really do! If you are an educator, and you are reading this post, You. Are. The. Winner! You GET the chance to amaze kids for another year! It is YOUR opportunity to help them shine. There is NO obligation, Have to’s, Got to’s, or drats, need...

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Let’s put YOU, before ME

Let’s put YOU, before ME

It seems to me these days that our society has become very "ME" driven. People are on their devices all the time, focused on what latest gadget, car, trip, or quest they've completed. Look or listen to News about Hollywood stars getting this car, outfit, trip, or...

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Disconnect – to – Reconnect

Disconnect – to – Reconnect

Try to imagine a span of time that is 5 years, 4 months long. Got it? Ok. Now, with that in mind, imagine all of the cool things you could do in that time if you had ONE wish! For me, so many fun ideas come to mind: Travel, Scuba, Dude Ranch, Safari, Sleep, Inventing,...

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