Educators Unite! Let’s share and celebrate everyone!

Educators Unite! Let’s share and celebrate everyone!

Why so often does it seem that educators are in competition with each other? Are we trying to push others out of bounds, so our information get noticed first? Is her book so much better than his? Can’t they both be of value? Sure, some of the book topics are...
Label our Clothing, not our Students

Label our Clothing, not our Students

This morning I came across a wonderful picture/post that I had read a few years back (Thanks FB Memories!). It really got me thinking, marinating, and then stewing. It happens too much. Everyday. We (I use that term holistically for children and adults) use labels....
A 3 month check in with my #OneWord: YOU

A 3 month check in with my #OneWord: YOU

Each year that I choose a #OneWord to focus on, I like to reflect and check in on my commitment and progress toward my goal. I believe it is imperative for us to continually reflect, check, and then iterate as needed. This not only keeps me true to my word, but it...
It’s Not Too Late

It’s Not Too Late

Not only is it crazy that March is upon us, it’s an amazing opportunity for us take a selfie of where we are in our practice, our craft, our passion and WHY. If you are a teacher, this is the time of year to really bring it. I posted a video yesterday...
How You Doing?

How You Doing?

Most of us remember Joey Tribbiani from the television show “Friends”. Those that don’t can just find the reruns on Netflix and will soon be able to relate to him with me. One of his most famous taglines was “How you doin?” in a very...
It happened…

It happened…

  OK. It happened today. The day started with a doldrumness feeling. I was tired. I was stressed. I was feeling lonely and unsure. My dad has Alzheimers and Parkinsons – what a combo…:( Mom called today…”Jeff, there’s an open room at...